
Celebrity MasterChef 2023 - Meet the celebrities cooking in week four - BBC

Published: 07:00 pm, 14 August 2023

Amy Walsh, Michael Praed,, Dianne Buswell and Luca Bish in the MasterChef kitchen

It’s the final week of Celebrity MasterChef Heats and the five celebrities up for the culinary challenge are actors Amy Walsh and Michael Praed, rapper and philanthropist, professional dancer Dianne Buswell and reality star Luca Bish.

The first challenge for the five hopefuls is Under The Cloche.

In front of John and Gregg are five cloches and underneath each is a different ingredient. One by one each celebrity has to pick a cloche and using the ingredient they reveal, along with a larder, must create one dish showcasing that ingredient to demonstrate to the judges they have potential. With nerves running high and just an hour to create their dish from scratch, the celebrities must think on their feet to impress the judges.

Then in the final test of culinary creativity, the celebrities are asked to prepare their Dinner Party Dishes – a main course and a dessert that they would cook to impress someone who was coming round to eat – in just an hour and 15 minutes. The celebrities work furiously in a final attempt to prove themselves to John and Gregg because at the end of this test, one of them will be going home.

Who can handle the pressure and show the judges they have the skills, creativity and flair to progress further in the competition?


Amy Walsh


Amy Walsh in the MasterChef kitchen

What made you want to do Celebrity MasterChef?

I am a massive fan of all of the shows. It was always total pipe dream to one day do it and then it came up. I thought... be careful what you wish for! This is the most petrifying thing I've ever done. But mainly I love cooking and I'm obsessed with food. I want to learn and push myself out of my comfort zone, which I am, massively. I’ve recently had a baby so I've just been mum for the last year and I wanted to do something for me.

How did it feel to walk into that kitchen for the first time?

I know it's cliché, but it was literally like a dream, the most surreal dream ever. I mean, Apl.De.Ap from the Black Eyed Peas. Luca Bish is behind me who I absolutely loved on Love Island. And I worked with Michael Praed on Emmerdale years ago - he played my dad. We were good friends so when I saw him, that was really lovely. But it is a surreal experience. It doesn’t feel like you're on a TV show, it feels really organic and natural.

How have you prepared for the series?

It’s been a bit of a crash course in recapping things I already knew and learning a few other things. I've been quite focused on trying to learn recipes off by heart so that I've got something in my locker. I've worked quite hard. The last year I've literally cooked around the clock. I’m such a geek! I had to take the blitzer into the other room because the kitchen is right below my daughter’s bed and she was napping!

What do your friends/family think of your cooking?

My partner has sampled all the goods and I've been dropping off little bits for my sisters and my mum. It's really hard when you cook for people who love you because of course they're not going to be mean. They were good critics actually. They were very honest and told me areas of improvement.

What would be your desert island dish?

It's really tricky but I'd probably have lobster with chips, garlic mayo and a bit of salad. Also a dry, crisp, cold glass of rosé!

What are three things you always have in your fridge at home?

Chorizo is something I cook with a lot. Halloumi too, and chicken.

What is your favourite dish to cook at home?

If I've got time, I love to do a slow roast leg of lamb or pork. One of my favourites is Beef Wellington. I’ve made it a few times. It's really risky and you don't want to do it under pressure, but when it works, it's great.


Rapper, Singer and Record Producer

Rapper and philanthropist in the MasterChef kitchen

What made you want to take part in Celebrity MasterChef?

I love cooking and I wanted to broaden my horizons and my palate. I wanted to test myself to cook under pressure. I like a good challenge and I also like to learn new things. Plus I'm here for some friendly competition.

How did it feel to walk into that kitchen for the first time?

I was a bit nervous and anxious, but excited at the same time. It’s definitely a challenge, but in the right way.

How have you prepared for the series?

I've been practising for over two weeks now, trying to find ways to cook things in many different ways, because I've only known one way. I’ve been doing different recipes for desserts. I'm saving everything I see on Instagram. I’ve got a bunch of notes on my phone. I’m paying as much attention as I can, from aeroplane food to restaurants. I've been trying to record everything in my head.

What do your friends/family think of your cooking?

They like it, but it's hard to tell with family and friends. I've been cooking for my friends, and they've been coming back, so it must be good!

What would be your desert island dish?

I would have a Filipino dessert called Halo-Halo, which means mix mix. It’s shaved ice and a bunch of fruits and condensed milk and sugar all mixed together. So it would be a refreshing dessert for the desert.

What are three things you always have in your fridge at home?

Bacon and eggs, I love that for the morning for breakfast. And chicken, I can cook that in many different ways. So that's a go-to protein to cook.

What is your favourite dish to cook at home?

I like to cook Chicken Adobo. It’s Filipino comfort food with a soy sauce and vinegar base. It's very tasty with a lot of flavour.

Dianne Buswell

Professional Dancer

Dianne Buswell in the MasterChef kitchen

What made you want to do Celebrity MasterChef?

I love cooking but I wanted to get better at it. My family are all very good cooks and I want to go home and say to my mum ‘I think I'm a better cook than my brothers now!’ That is the aim of the game.

How did it feel to walk into that kitchen for the first time?

It was so cool walking into the kitchen for the first time. Especially seeing the MasterChef sign everywhere. I'm like, ‘Oh, we're really here now.’ It was nerve wracking, exciting, and I loved it. I loved every second.

How have you prepared for the series?

I have been extremely busy, so actually, my prep has been little to none, which does terrify me a little bit hearing how much everyone else has done. I'm just going to have to fake it until I make it and hope for the best.

What do your friends/family think of your cooking?

My mum says to me that I've got a good palate. Whenever she tries my food she says, 'this actually tastes really good!’. I think as everyone in my family says, I don't really take enough care, so that's probably where my downfall might be.

What are three things you always have in your fridge at home?

I always have Greek yoghurt, 100%. I feel like you can do a lot with Greek yoghurt. You can even make bread with it, plus I just love yoghurt. I always have chilli sauce because I love putting it on everything. And the last thing would be cheese, probably, any type of cheese – I love it.

What is your desert island dish?

My mum makes this dish called Tuna Mornay. It sounds awful but it's so good. It's been my favourite thing to eat ever since I was seven years old. It's like a curry but with tuna and rice and it's all combined and there's cornflakes on it and everything, so good.

What is your favourite dish to cook at home?

I love cooking pasta. I don't love pasta that much myself, but I like making the sauces. I love when people eat my food so if I'm cooking for someone, they generally have pasta.

Luca Bish

Reality Star and Influencer

Luca Bish in the MasterChef kitchen

What made you want to do Celebrity MasterChef?

I wanted to save some money. I keep ordering takeaways! I really want to learn how to cook. I'm 23 now so I want to be a bit more independent and I love the reaction you get when you cook a good plate of food for someone.

How have you prepared for the series?

I’ve only prepared a little bit. I guess I’ve done a bit of research here and there.

How did it feel to walk into that kitchen for the first time?

It was nerve-wracking. As well as seeing John and Gregg for the first time too.

What do your friends/family think of your cooking?

It's hard to say because I've never really cooked. Other than in the lead-up to this show, I'd never really cooked for my family, but they've been impressed by what I've learned so far.

What is your desert island dish?

That’s hard. I’d probably have a carbonara with a cheesy garlic bread and tomatoes. Then I'd have to have toffee or honeycomb ice cream for dessert.

What are three things you always have in your fridge at home?

Chocolate. I just love chocolate. That would probably be my main ingredient from the whole of my cooking experience. Then eggs, I love my poached egg in the morning and milk. It sounds so boring but it works!

What is your favourite dish to cook at home?

Poached eggs, if that counts as a dish.

Michael Praed


Michael Praed in the MasterChef kitchen

What made you want to do Celebrity MasterChef?

I got a phone call from my agent proposing the idea and I thought, why not? This is a reality show that is actually affirmative. They're not there to rip you to pieces. Plus, it's a competition and I like competitions. The other joy for me was that Amy Walsh, who I worked with on Emmerdale, is here. I couldn't believe it. So that has been such a delight.

How did it feel to walk into that kitchen for the first time?

It is, of course, a little intimidating because you're walking into the unknown. The first task is also intimidating, because you don't know what you're getting. But we're all in the same boat.

How have you prepared for the series?

The biggest hurdle, I thought, was figuring out what to cook. I wanted to go for a simple dish, but simplicity is difficult, because it requires nothing more than absolutely everything.

What do your friends/family think of your cooking?

I'll be honest, I'm just a simple home cook, but I've had not too many complaints.

What is your desert island dish?

If I could only ever have one type of food, it would have to be a curry. I love Indian food. I'm a great fan of a Chicken Dhansak with chapatis and probably a vegetable curry on the side.

What are three things you always have in your fridge at home?

Oat milk is one, I only tried it as an experiment as it's kind of fashionable, but discovered I really like it. Maybe something obscure like HP sauce. That or some eggs, oh and a chilled beer!

What is your favourite dish to cook at home?

Coq au Vin, or maybe a chicken casserole. I’ve got a great recipe for chicken casserole.

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Celebrity MasterChef 2023 - Meet the celebrities cooking in week four - BBC
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